Thursday, January 15, 2009

week 15: Jan 12-16

Sorry for the missed weeks. The snow days caused me not to add extra assignments for the first week of JAnuary. This week I'm just slow getting to.


1. Know that all atoms are made of the same three pieces: protons, electrons and neutrons.
2. Be able to describe the relative masses, charges and locations of the sub atomic particles.
3. Be able to describe how the periodic table is organized inregard to metals/non-metals, reactivity, protons, neutrons, electrons, and families' physical and chemical properties.

Monday: Go over quiz, reading on models of the atom
Tuesday: Metal or Non Metal Lab
Thursday: Finish workshet, Lab-Flame Tests, Lecture
Friday: Finish periodic trends notes, review, quiz

Notebook TOC
1. Model of atom reading
2. Model of atom chart
3 Metal or Nonmetal
4. periodic table
5. Flame test data table
6. Lecture notes